Tue, Feb

July 8, 2023 was a “day the Lord has made” for the SSP Philippine-Macau Province as it marked the 60th anniversary of the priestly ordination of Fr. Romeo Henry Hitosis and Fr. Ledio Peter Barisoro. They were ordained in Rome by Bishop Ercole Cunial on July 7, 1963. Joining them was Bro. Rodolfo Dominic Egida who celebrated his 61st anniversary of religious profession (June 30, 1962); his Jubilee celebration was moved to this date because health protocol due to the pandemic.

At the concelebrated Mass in the Sanctuary of St. Paul in Makati, Fr. Barisoro was the main presider while Fr. Hitosis gave the homily. The Provincial Superior Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite led the concelebrating SSP priests. Present were the SSP community, the Pauline Family representatives, family members and friends of the Jubilarians.

In his homily, Fr. Hitosis recalled occasions when he and Fr. Barisoro had interactions with the Founder, Blessed James Alberione, as when they listened to his morning meditations and introduced Filipino dignitaries to him. Fr. Hitosis also shared their experiences with SSP companions in theology from other countries, and their apostolic works as students and later as new priests in Rome.

Close to the end of the Mass, Provincial Secretary Angelo Paolo Asprer read the Message of the Superior General Don Domenico Soliman to each of the Jubilarians, recalling their various responsibilities in the Congregation. Bro. Egida conducted his apostolic service in Administration, Diffusion, and the bookstores. Fr. Hitosis was Formator of the Aspirants and Novices, Editor of Home Life and Youngster, and for many years Provincial Delegate to the Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation (IMSA) and the Institute of St. Gabriel the Archangel (ISGA). Fr. Barisoro was Local Superior in various communities, worked in the Editorial and Diffusion, in Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, and in the formation community in Silang, Cavite. The Superior General then invited them to continue their journey as Paulines with joy and passion, in the wake of the XI General Chapter which traced a path that sees all SSP members involved in the coming years: “Let yourselves be transformed by renewing your way of thinking” (Rom 12:2).

After the Eucharistic celebration, the community gathered at the Alberione Hall for the festive agapē and table fellowship.