Tue, Feb

On August 19, 2023, three temporary professed members of the Istituto Santa Famiglia (ISF)—the couple PAULINO DE JESUS CADSAWAN, JR. and EDNA LEE CADSAWAN, and ELENA MIGUEL HILARIO professed their perpetual vows during the 9 A.M. Eucharistic celebration at the Sanctuary of St. Paul in Makati. The main presider at the concelebrated Mass was the Provincial Superior Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite who received their vows. The homily was given by ISF Formator Fr. Domie Guzman, while outgoing Provincial Delegate Fr. Gil Alinsangan presented the candidates.

In his homily, Fr. Guzman shared with those present—SSP community, ISF members, families and friends of the candidates—the vocation and mission of the Institute of the Holy Family founded by Blessed James Alberione for the witnessing of the Gospel values especially to families in the world. Members do not just make a solemn promise but pronounce the evangelical vows, living a consecrated secular life in the name of the Church.

Highlight of the rites were the litany of saints, the profession of vows, and the welcome of the three new perpetually professed members on the part of the Provincial Superior and ISF members especially based in Metro Manila.

Edna Cadsawan delivered the word of thanks for those who were responsible for their formation journey, the whole ISF community, and their families who came. Looking forward to the future, the three of them take confidence in the words of St. Paul which they printed in their invitation card: “We know that all things work together for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28).

After the Mass, the whole community gathered at the Alberione Hall for the agapē reception and fellowship.