Dom, Feb

The Pauline Family, a vital media part of the larger body of the Church, plays an indispensable role in the Church's mission of evangelization. As we prepare to celebrate and venerate our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, it's important to remember that we are not just celebrating his legacy, vision, and mission but also reaffirming our commitment to continue his work. The Pauline Family, born of the Eucharist on that night, which divided the 19th and 20th centuries, has been alive in our founding Charism and Spirituality for the last 124 years. Our Congregation was born of the Eucharist, and what has been born of the Eucharist can only cease to exist if we, the members, disconnect ourselves from the Eucharist. It is the Eucharistic presence, light, and power that propels and guides the Pauline Family. As we gear up to celebrate our Founder, let's remember that we are not just celebrating his death anniversary but the heavenly birth of our great Founder whose mission and vision was to live and give Jesus to the world. This is not just a memorial but an occasion to reinvent, reinvigorate, and rediscover ourselves as Alberione alive today, ready to continue the important work of evangelization.

The Catholic Church has long revered individuals who, through divine inspiration and human effort, significantly contributed to the Church's mission of evangelization. Blessed James Alberione stands atop among these figures, a forward-looking visionary whose life and work continue to resonate deeply with the Church's pastoral, communication, and evangelical mission. Alberione today is a beacon for those seeking to understand and respond to the challenges of modern evangelization. His pioneering approach to media, spirituality, and apostolic zeal makes his legacy profoundly relevant today. Blessed James Alberione was ahead of his time, deeply committed to the Church's call to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. Born 140 years ago, he recognized early on that the Church's mission required innovative and creative methods to engage with the modern world. He wanted to be on the same platform that was used to misinterpret and annihilate the teachings of Jesus Christ to vehemently showcase that such platforms are not alien to and inaccessible to propagate the truth of the gospel to the nations.  He knew for sure that “Technology and media are not God-free zones.” This conviction grew during an era marked by rapid technological advancements and the rise of mass communication. He saw the media as not a threat but an opportunity—a tool for spreading the Word of God more effectively. His vision is strikingly relevant today, encapsulated in his commitment to utilizing 'the most modern and rapid means of communication' to evangelize, offering us hope and inspiration in the face of modern challenges.

Alberione's vision was encapsulated in his commitment to utilizing 'the most modern and rapid means of communication' to evangelize. His spirituality was rooted in Christ as the 'Way, Truth, and Life,' and his devotion to the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary inspired his creative apostolic endeavors. Alberione's mission emphasized forming individuals who could integrate spirituality with technical expertise to serve the Church's mission effectively. Alberione's belief in media’s potential as an evangelical tool is strikingly relevant today. In an era dominated by digital media, the Church faces both opportunities and challenges in spreading the message of the Gospel, and in this scenario, his principles and vision underscore the need for a strategic, values-driven approach to media. This means that as we embrace digital platforms, we must ensure that our message remains true and faithful to the Gospel and that we use these platforms to counter misinformation and engage with a global audience. Alberione's insistence on addressing the 'signs of the times' aligns with Pope Francis' call for a 'missionary Church.' His vision reminds today's Church of the importance of contextualizing the Gospel message to meet the needs and challenges of various cultures and generations.

The Society of Saint Paul, as the flagship institute of Alberione's Pauline Family, holds a special responsibility to carry forward his vision. Over the decades, it has made remarkable strides in aligning itself with Alberione's mission and has upheld its founder's commitment to evangelization through media. From publishing houses to digital platforms, the Congregation has published books, magazines, audio-video programs, online content, etc., that aim to communicate the Christian message in an accessible manner. Expanding our Congregation into various nations demonstrates its ability to contextualize Alberione's vision across cultures, and this global footprint reflects its adherence to the universal call of the Gospel.

However, while our Congregation has embraced traditional media, its engagement with digital technologies and platforms could be more robust. In an age dominated by artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and social media algorithms, we face the challenge of innovating without compromising our spiritual roots. Alberione's vision was inherently forward-looking, yet some Pauline efforts today need help capturing the imagination of younger audiences. We must balance innovation and spiritual grounding, ensuring our approach is forward-looking and deeply rooted in our faith.

Hence, there is a need to embrace digital evangelization. Blessed James Alberione’s pioneering use of media calls for a commitment to emerging technologies in today’s digital age. Today’s world is governed by technologies like artificial intelligence, creating multimedia content, utilizing social media platforms, and metaverse that can help us establish virtual chapels, retreats, and catechetical programs in virtual reality spaces to engage digital communities in innovative ways, to mention a few.

To realize the above, we need to identify and form members to make them Modern Apostles of the media to evangelize the world. Our Founder emphasized forming individuals who integrate spirituality, intellect, and technical skills. Alberione introduced media to his followers and challenged them to read the signs of the time and become evangelizers of the world. In our time, we need to offer our formees specialized training programs in social media management, film production, and digital marketing, ensuring members stay relevant in contemporary communication and equip them with knowledge in theology, sociology, psychology, and emerging technologies to address complex pastoral challenges. The need for these modern apostles is urgent, and their role is paramount in today's digital age, underscoring the importance and urgency of their mission.

We all know it is high time to dust off and leave our comfort zones and come away from how we used to do things, redefine and reinvent ourselves, evangelize ourselves in the original Charism and Spirituality, and Paulinize ourselves once again. There were times we thought the X, Y, and Z activities we were engaged in would keep us going, and we would see the congregation moving into dynamic and better environments and more and more vocations joining us. Some circumscriptions thought one successful activity alone was enough for us to be relevant and move on. All those assumptions are shattered now, and we ask ourselves what is next and how to move on. Are we threatened? Challenged? Of course, we are, and so the wake-up call is already ringing in our ears, and if we do not respond to it at least now, well, then we all know what will happen next. So, should we wait until the eleventh hour to wake up? What if the inevitable occurs at 10.45?  Hence, NOW is an opportune time for us to wake up, engage ourselves with global and local issues facing our Congregation today, and take remedial steps and dynamic decisions to live out Alberione’s vision of contextualized evangelization. We cannot shy away from addressing the present-day realities and finding creative and effective means to overcome them.  Our unique structure offers immense potential for synergy. To leverage this, we must encourage collaborative initiatives to unite the circumscriptions, amplifying our collective impact. This will help us establish a shared platform for resource sharing, idea exchange, and joint content creation.

As Paulines, we are committed to rediscovering and proclaiming the central message: Christ as the Way, Truth, and Life. This will embody making Jesus Master central to our life and integrating our life and mission.  For this, we are called to prioritize Media as an evangelization tool. Alberione emphasized forming apostles skilled in both media and spirituality. His insight into the power of technology demands that we remain at the forefront of innovation. To truly bring Alberione’s vision to life, we must anchor our apostolate in spirituality, reminding ourselves that our media work is an extension of our Spirituality and apostolic mission.

Blessed James Alberione's life and mission continue to illuminate the path for the Church as it navigates the complexities of the modern world. His innovative spirit, rooted in deep faith, calls both the Church and the Pauline Family to reimagine evangelization in an age of rapid change. To ensure the continued vibrancy of Blessed James Alberione's vision and mission, we must adopt forward-looking strategies that respond effectively to the evolving social, cultural, and technological landscape. These strategies should reflect a faithful commitment to Alberione's legacy while innovatively addressing contemporary challenges. By embracing these strategies, the Society of Saint Paul can remain faithful to Blessed James Alberione’s vision while responding effectively to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. The call to "live and give Jesus Master to the world" requires a spirit of innovation, collaboration, and deep faith.

To be an "Alberione Alive" in today’s Church and society, the Society of Saint Paul must actively live and promote its Founder’s vision through bold innovations, holistic formation, and a deep-rooted commitment to the Gospel. Our Congregation has significantly contributed to living out its Founder's vision. Still, the evolving nature of communication and culture demands renewed creativity, adaptability, and courage by returning to the essence of Alberione's vision and embracing the tools and challenges of today's world.

"Alberione Alive" in today's Church and society is a challenge, a commitment, and a necessity. Every Pauline is called to embody Blessed James Alberione's visionary spirit, innovative strategies, and deep spirituality in every aspect of its media apostolate. This entails translating his timeless vision into actionable, reading the signs of the time, embracing changes, and becoming active partners in today’s media-dominated world to respond effectively to the needs of the modern world.

Agenda Paolina

16 Febbraio 2025

VI del Tempo Ordinario (verde)
Ger 17,5-8; Sal 1; 1Cor 15,12.16-20; Lc 6,17.20-26

16 Febbraio 2025

* SSP: 1992 Comunità Primo Maestro - Sede prov. a Roma (Italia) • FSP: 1962 a Brasilia (Brasile) • SJBP: 2020 a Caxias do Sul - Imaculada Conceição (Brasile).

16 Febbraio 2025

SSP: D. Noboru Pietro Futsuki (2020) • FSP: Sr. M. Carolina Bordino (1988) - Sr. Claudia Sartor (2020) • IGS: D. Michele Cipriani (2023) • ISGA: Santino Giovanrosa (2004) • ISF: Alberto Vidal (1987) - Domenico Pitacco (2011) - Renato De Stavola (2021) - Marie Kittelberger (2023).